Lyoni's Total RNA!
Yesterday evening, I had performed the extraction of the total RNA from Lyoni babies because I need to re-optimize the amplification of MaSp to get the sharp intense band like I mentioned somewhere in the previous post. I was running out of cDNA sample thus I extracted the new batch. At the same time, I wanted to be the first person using our new lab Nanodrop hehe.. And so I did. However, the first two readings yielded low concentration of RNA..Why? So I performed the 3rd run and it gave the same result. Now I was wondering, where did I go wrong. So, I stayed back late until 730 pm to figure out the reason. And guess what?? I forgot to change the mode from cuvette-based to drop-based measurement! That was the reason!!! And finally, I did get quite high concentration of the total RNA from Lyoni babies..It was not the problem of extraction but the problem of using the NEW equipment hehehee... How relieved!
Quite high concentration with high purity as well..Fuh...
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