Learning Spidey Embryo from the Expert

I could never feel as wonderful as I was after I got the chance to listen to the talk from one of the experts in spidey embryology. He is definitely Dr.  Hiroki Oda from JT Biohistory Research Hall (can check the link to his lab on my blog). I have longed to meet him live at least on any live streams. So, I slept early last night and set the alarm at 115am since his talk began at 130 am on VGZT platform. Though I was very sleepy, I kept my eyes open to digest bits by bits of his talk about the events that take place during spider embryonic development. As a newbie, I found it hard to understand at first but slowly absorbed just a small chunk of knowledge from his excellent study..From microinjection to band segementation and to twin formation! Guess what I intrigued me a lot is his work on 'cell shuffling' in daddy long leg's embryo @pholcid and this is what I am doing right now for the 3rd objective though not in detail like his. What an informative talk and surely one day I would want to work with him for my post-Doc study? Hehe.. Credits to my SV-Dr Ghows for sharing the advertisement!

Dr. Oda and his team are working on these three spider species in which the one is in line with what I am doing now.


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