From One Piece to Many Pieces

 This morning, I had the egg mass laid by the 5th inbred female segregated. This has been a routine for me whenever new females from the inbreeding experiment oviposit egg mass. I still could remember when the first time I developed methods for separating the egg mass, it was really terrible! A huge number of eggs were damaged and unhatched. But over time as I kept improving the method, I finally managed to overcome the problem using just water! That is all what it needs! Water I tell you, water! Lol!...Using water, segregation is made easier and until now I obtain intact individual eggs that can hatch to adulthood. Indeed, mistakes can happen when you accidentally give too much force and break the eggs.. But as you know it, practice makes perfect!Crossing fingers to see them hatch 19 days from now! Oh do not forget, after the egg mass is detached from the female's mouth, always place it back in the enclosure and FEED it with mealworm! At this point, she is extraordinarily hungry to eat! Otherwise, she will kill and eat the male if he is together...

                             You can see the tiny-puny black dots are actually the individual eggs...


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