Public Opinion on GM Spiders for Recombinant Therapeutics Production

 Morning all,

Today I want to talk about the use of GM spiders as an alternative expression host for therapeutics. In the previous post, I did propose one of the applications of GM spider as a mini bioreactor for recombinant therapeutics production.  Again, GM spiders are genetically designed spiders that target for specific purpose. In my case, I want to make them as a bioreactor to produce recombinant therapeutics such as insulin, animal vaccine and etc...But one thing about them is that their acceptance to the society. Of course, when we say about spiders, the ONE thing will pop out in people's mind is 'ARACHNOPHOBIA'. And so, they will give out such expressions like ' WHAT?? SPIDERS?? DRUGS FROM SPIDER??' These kind of reactions are the reflection of rejection for GM spiders for biotech application. Even the idea of GM spider is also a big NO to the public! How do I know? Well, during the research proposal defense session with the biosafety committee of USM, I was asked about what I was going to do with GM spiders. So I told them that I was going to apply them for recombinant therapeutics production and they responded in surprise and disgust, telling me that the idea was total ABSURD. Now you can see only a fraction of negative response from the public was so terrifying~~lol.. What's your opinion on this?




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