Gamma Irradiation on the Lyonis
Hey folks,
Today I am going to share about the gamma irradiation experiment that I did at the Nuclear Agency Malaysia last Tuesday. It was a very wonderful experience to do it for the first time ever. Previously, I have prepared 50 prenymphs of Lyoni in two separate container as instructed by the PIC of the radiation chamber. That morning, after solah subuh, I started the journey to the agency in Bangi, Selangor. Upon reaching the place, I brought them to the lab and the officers in charge started to prepare for the radiation. I was really nervous yet excited. The container was placed inside a metal canister and put into the radiation chamber. The prenymphs were then irradiated for 13 minutes at 50 Gy. When they took the prenymps out, I noticed that the gossamer web was somehow entangled and the spiderlings were scattered around. Some of them became inactive but some remained active. Though I could not see any immediate changes following the irradiation, I was pretty sure that the radiation had struck its rupturing power on the DNA of the spiders. I will breed them to see the result and hopefully to get mutants that produce more water soluble silk fibres. Crossing fingers to this~~
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