Cyrtophora moluccensis-Tent Spider
In December 2019, I had my first encounter with the tent-web spider, Cyrtophora moluccensis at Cameron Highlands during a vacation with my family. At first, I thought it was some kind of cobwebbers making extremely extensive web at the trees on the road pavement. Close observation revealed that it was not cobwebbers instead an orbweaver!. Cyrtophora moluccensis or the tent-orbweaver as it is called. Since I did not bring any sampling equipment that time, I went back up to that place again for the 2nd time. This time I was ready to take some samples; the adults, egg masses and few spiderlings I could find as to maintain them in the laboratory. Interestingly, I can say that this species is very colonial in that they build extensive webs that overlapped each other and they even can tolerate close proximity with each other! Lets try to make a laboratory-propagated colony out of them shall we? hehe..

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