Nucleic Acid Extraction Workshop

On 24th and 25th of this month, I went to attend a workshop on how to extract DNA, RNA and learnt the proper way of PCR at the Genetics Lab, Monash University in Subang. I got so many info regarding the techniques and most importantly, I could recall back the memory of doing gene cloning during my undergraduate years although it was a failure. Monash Uni is one of the coolest places I have ever been; the lab and the environment. The lab was a TIP TOP and I could imagine how Heaven it is to do research in their lab with so many cutting-edge equipment and facilities...
                                      The cafeteria is one like ok, lets teng-teng for today's class
                                                       Myself at the corridor in the building
                                                                         Again the cafeteria......
                                                                   Small but superb!
                                                              The alley to the labs, wow
                                                                     The offices, fuh........
                                          Not bad using the kit for DNA & RNA extraction!
Focus is the key to success!


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