An Attempt to RNA Extraction from Crossopriza lyoni

 Yesterday after feeding the spider culture as well as helping out a friend to mobilize an incubator into the Tissue Culture and Biomolecular Lab, I started to isolate RNA from the first instar spiderling of C. lyoni. Well, to be honest, the kit I used was a trial one and had been used 2 years ago. Some of the remaining reagents were not in a good condition but I did using it out. So, I screened from 1 to 4 spiderlings and found that 2 spiderlings were good enough to yield bright bands. However, only the 28S band was obtained and 18S was missing. The sample was heavily contaminated with gDNA as I did not pretreat it since DNAse was run out. But, it was a good attempt though haha. I am waiting for the new kit to arrive next week and this time, I will optimize to obtain good bands of RNAs.

You can see the 28S band in the 2nd lane which is brighter than the rest. But 18S band was missing and the sample was so contaminated.....



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